KU GlobalAid Recruitment Days are done in first semester of Koç University for Koc University students every year.

KU GlobalAid was established in 2010 and has grown rapidly in a short period of time. Over a couple of years, the KU GlobalAid team has conducted projects in Tunisia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Erzincan, Türkiye. Later, it led social impact projects in India in 2015, in Zimbabwe in the summer of 2016 and finally Brazil in the summer of 2018. While all projects vary in aim at the local level, they have the common goal of contributing to the development and growth of communities which need support.

Projects of Ku Global Aid are not run only globally and international, but also in the domestic level. Besides the upcoming global summer project, Ku Global Aid will have been continuing domestic project named “Anlaş, Kaynaş, Beraber Paylaş!” in Uzun Yusuf Ortaokulu, Fatih, İstanbul. The project aims to integrate Syrian refugee children to social and educational life and obstacle bias of Turkish students on Syrian peers.

KU GlobalAid has been serving while learning since its foundation. And now, we want to get bigger with new members and hopefully, achieve more.

For further information about KU GlobalAid, please check:



Instagram: kuglobalaid

Youtube: KU Global Aid

Medium: KUGlobalAid


Contact:   globalaid@ku.edu.tr